Hyster Remains on Top in I.C. Cushion Lift Truck Market - EquipmentWatch

Hyster Remains on Top in I.C. Cushion Lift Truck Market

This graph shows the percent market share of the top 5 lift truck manufacturers from 2012 to 2015.

Key Takeaways for Decision Makers
CONTRACTOR: If you are looking to sell your Hyster I.C. Pneumatic Lift Truck, look to sell around May and September when their market share is more diluted.

From 2014 through the first quarter of 2015, Hyster has controlled the I.C. cushion lift truck resale market. Hyster controlled 37% of the market on average throughout the year. Caterpillar and Toyota battled for second place with an average market share of 24% and 19% respectively. Mitsubishi and Komatsu held 7% and 3% respectively with the last 10% controlled by all the other manufacturers.

If 2014 is an indicator in the market share, we can expect Toyota, and Caterpillar to fight for market share. Between the two manufacturers, they averaged 46% of the market share. Toyota even took second place in May, where they controlled 23% of the market compared to Caterpillar’s 20%. Mitsubishi and Komatsu control about 10% of the market. Between the two manufacturers, Mitsubishi remained on top throughout the year. They lost some ground in April and December of 2014, about 3%, but was able to rebound quickly.

If this trend continues in 2015, we can expect Hyster to control around 40% of the cushion lift truck market. Furthermore, we can expect Caterpillar and Toyota to battle for the second spot.