Out of 28 million asset records, here’s the story of just one. - EquipmentWatch

Out of 28 million asset records, here’s the story of just one.

We think this is pretty cool. Maybe you will too.

With the richest heavy equipment market database in the world, EquipmentWatch can track equipment history using serial number. Yes. It’s true.

Like what you see? Download and share this infographic. CAT D8T image courtesy of Caterpillar, Inc.

The Little Dozer That Could

That’s what we’re calling this above-pictured story starring our friend Kip, the 2011 CAT D8T with serial number KPZ03762. Using EquipmentWatch’s Verification product, we followed a beautiful narrative of Kip’s life and journeys through Quebec, Ontario, and Kentucky.

Why Should You Care?

EquipmentWatch’s Serial Number Verification tool does more than just decode serial numbers for year of manufacture. It also provides an asset history for every time we’ve observed that serial number on the market, including location, date, price, meter reads, conditions, and even model year. In addition to serial number verification, the data from our Values & Market Data tool allows you to set price benchmarks when selling a piece of equipment through displayed FMV, OLV, FLV.

How It Works

Curious how we came up with Kip’s story?

1. From a pool of data, we decided to pick a Caterpillar D8T – a popular model in the construction industry – for serial number verification and equipment history exploration.

2. As mentioned, this particular CAT D8T is associated with serial number KPZ03762. With the equipment model and serial number, we had all the elements needed to start diving into specifics.

3. Did we mention we have collected 28 million assets in our database? It’s crazy to think out of all those assets we narrowed it down to this specific one. Upon entering the information into the EquipmentWatch Verification product, we unearthed valuable data specific to Kip and Kip alone.

4. Next we wanted to know pretty much everything else about Kip: His model year, where was he sold and purchased, through which channels (retail or auction), at what price, where was he located before and where did he end up on the map, Kip’s overall condition, and his meter reads.

5. We the calculated buyer savings using Values & Market Data tool…

“The Little Dozer That Could” indeed! We’ve learned Kip has lived a fruitful life all over North America. And we’re guessing he’s still out there doing great work.

What’s Kip Up To Now?

To see what Kip is valued at today, we can turn to the Values & Market Data product. This tool allows you to adjust equipment values based on asset usage, location, condition, even options and extras. You can even view recent marketplace activity for comparable models across the resale and auction channels.

Today’s World Is All About Data-Driven Decision Making

EquipmentWatch subscribers who leverage Serial Number Verification and Values & Market Data tools hold an upper hand in equipment ownership, the buying process, the selling process, and beyond. Recent marketplace activity unveils valuable insights for price and usage trends over time, and the data enlightens us to the journey of specific or general pieces of equipment.

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