EquipmentWatch Highest Retained Value Methodology 2022
For each of the 30 award categories, our analysts reviewed the most popular equipment on the resale channel during the past 12 months. The models were sorted by their relative popularity and we removed any that were not a 2022 production model in North America. After filtering the data, our analysts chose three of the top models as finalists.
EquipmentWatch’s residual values are calculated according to market depreciation standards. Using the FMV values contained in the EquipmentWatch Values product, our analysts examined year-over-year depreciation for more than 12,000 models with up to 30 model years of values. Using a proprietary algorithm, our team used the year-over-year depreciation calculated in EquipmentWatch values to predict residual values up to 84 months into the future.
The analysts examined 60 months’ residual values to select the Highest Retained Value Award (HRVA) winners under industry average usage expectations.