Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Specifications - EquipmentWatch

Georgia Department of Transportation

Specification Details, EquipmentWatch Cost Recovery (Rental Rate Blue Book)

Cost Recovery Rate

Regional Adjustment Required?


Model Year Adjustment Required?


Rate Used for Reimbursement:


((Monthly Ownership x Regional Adjustment, Georgia x Model Year Adjustment)/176 x 0.70) + (Hourly Operating x 1.00)

% Used:
Ownership Rate

Gif of 100% rental rate with circle

% Used:
Operating Rate

Gif of 100% rental rate with circle

NOTE: All adjustments above are already stored in the system when you select the DOT from the drop down list.

Cost Recovery Rate: Standby Use

Regional Adjustment Required?


Model Year Adjustment Required?


Standby Use Formula:

((Monthly Ownership x Regional Adjustment, Georgia x Model Year Adjustment)/176) x 0.35

% Used:
Ownership Rate

DOT Specifications: Official Documentation

Official Access Supported by the DOT

Training: How to Submit a Cost Recovery Request