South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) Specifications - EquipmentWatch

South Dakota Department of Transportation

Specification Details, EquipmentWatch Cost Recovery (Rental Rate Blue Book)

Cost Recovery Rate

Regional Adjustment Required?

South Dakota

Model Year Adjustment Required?


Rate Used for Reimbursement:


((Monthly Ownership x Regional Adjustment, South Dakota x Model Year Adjustment)/176 x 1.00) + (Hourly Operating x 1.00)

% Used:
Ownership Rate

Gif of 100% rental rate with circle

% Used:
Operating Rate

Gif of 100% rental rate with circle

NOTE: All adjustments above are already stored in the system when you select the DOT from the drop down list.

Cost Recovery Rate: Standby Use

Regional Adjustment Required?

South Dakota

Model Year Adjustment Required?


Standby Use Formula:

((Monthly Ownership x Regional Adjustment, South Dakota x Model Year Adjustment)/176) x .50

% Used:
Ownership Rate

Gif of 50% rental rate with half circle

DOT Specifications: Official Documentation

Official Access Supported by the DOT

Training: How to Submit a Cost Recovery Request

Prefer an Offline Version? Download Training Materials (.pdf)